Dear Lucy, Jay Dee and everyone at Happy Kinder Parties,

Last Sunday RealVNC hosted its annual Summer Party, and we were lucky enough to have Jay Dee join us.

Jay Dee was amazing, not only did she get all of the children involved, she also got a few of us grownups playing with the parachute, dancing to musical statues and making some amazing hats! She really helped us make the party something special and allowed many of our staff to relax knowing their children were being entertained by someone so brilliant.

The face painter, was also spectacular! We had many fairies and tigers running around all afternoon. Again, she made the afternoon really special for us and our guests.

Even with some pretty heavy down pours, they worked tirelessly to make the event truly amazing and we all want to say a BIG thank you.

Looking forward to seeing you next year,

Abi, Ann and all at RealVNC!

Abigail Woodcock, RealVNC Ltd, Cambridge

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